The First Line of Code

There we go, second class the teacher helped us to set up our programming environment. It is actually pretty easy, just needed to set up Python 3. First, we had to install HomeBrew and then Atom in order to be able to run the code. There we are.

Then it is pretty easy. Open Atom and go under ” Untitled “. You can start writing on the first line. The function “print () ” will display your text. The text you want to be displayed need to be inside two quotation marks ( either “…” or ‘…’ ).

We want the classic programming sentence ” Hello, World ” to appear. Just need to write this exactly

print (“Hello, World”)

Do not forget to save it with the extension “” because it tells the computer and Atom that this is a python file.

Then from the Terminal you just need to write

cd Desktop/


And voilà!

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